
Paul Auster's Net Worth (2024), Wiki And More Facts

Occupation: Author, Film director, Novelist
Find out how much money Paul Auster makes and how much money he has!
Stay on this page to discover many other interesting facts about the famous author and his family.

Paul Auster Net Worth

Paul Auster's net worth:

20,000,000 USD

Earnings: How does Paul Auster make his money and how much he makes?

Paul Auster is an American author and director.

Under the pen name Paul Benjamin, he published his first work of fiction, Squeeze Play, in 1982.

The New York Trilogy was one of Auster's 18 novels that she went on to publish. He wrote seven poetry collections after the publication of his first, Unearth, in 1974.

In addition to eight publications that are essays, memoirs, or autobiographies, he has also authored five screenplays.

Moon Palace from 1989, The Music of Chance from 1990, The Book of Illusions from 2002, and The Brooklyn Follies from 2005 are some of his best-known works.

Crime fiction, existentialism, absurdism, and the pursuit of one's own identity and purpose all appear in Auster's writing.

He has received multiple IMPAC Awards, a Prince of Asturias Award, and an Independent Spirit Award for Smoke's Best First Screenplay. He received a 1996 Cesar Award nomination for Best Foreign Film for Smoke.

Paul Auster's net worth is currently estimated at $20 million.

What would you like to know about Paul Auster?

Content overview

You can find much more stuff about Paul Auster on this page!

  1. Earnings: How does Paul Auster make his money and how much he makes?
  2. Paul Auster's net worth over the years
  3. Age: How old is Paul Auster? Where was he born?
  4. Paul Auster's height and weight
  5. What is his real/full name?
  6. Is Paul Auster married? Does he have a girlfriend?
  7. Family: Does Paul Auster have any brothers, sisters or kids?
  8. Friends and associates
  9. Paul Auster's house photos
  10. List of Paul's most famous books
  11. Paul Auster's quotes
  12. Education: Did Paul Auster go to college?

Paul Auster's net worth over the years

YearNet worth
2022$20 million
2021$19.7 million
2020$18.5 million

Age: How old is Paul Auster? Where was he born?

Hometown: The famous author was born in Newark, New Jersey, United States, on Feb 03, 1947.
Age: Paul Auster is 75 years old now. Nationality: American Ethnicity: White Sign of the Zodiac: Aquarius

Paul Auster's height and weight

Let's find out how tall Paul Auster is and how much he weighs.
  • Height in cm and feet: 181 cm / 5 ft 9 in
  • Weight in kg and lbs: 88 kg / 194 lbs

What is his real/full name?

Paul Auster's real/full name is Paul Benjamin Auster.

Is Paul Auster married? Does he have a girlfriend or wife?

He was married to Lydia Davis from 1974 to 1979.

Paul Auster is married to a novelist Siri Hustvedt since 1982. The couple has a kid.

Family: Does Paul Auster have any brothers, sisters or kids?

Children: Paul Auster has a daughter named Sophie Auster and a son named Daniel Auster.


Paul Auster’s father is Samuel Auster.
Paul Auster’s mother is Queenie Bogat Auster.

Siblings: Paul Auster has a sister named Janet Auster.

Friends and associates

Find out who are Paul Auster’s friends and associates:

  • Ragıp Zarakolu
  • Jacques Lacan

Paul Auster's house photos

Paul Auster currently lives in Newark, New Jersey.

List of Paul's most famous books

  1. 4 3 2 1
  2. El Palacio de la Luna
  3. City of Glass: The Graphic Novel
  4. Leviathan (Auster novel)
  5. The Invention of Solitude
  6. The Brooklyn Follies
  7. The Book of Illusions
  8. City of Glass Paul Auster
  9. Oracle Night
  10. Timbuktu (novella)
  11. Ghosts

Paul Auster's quotes

We handpicked Paul Auster's best inspirational quotes for you:
“All men contain several men inside them, and most of us bounce from one self to another without ever knowing who we are.”
“I'm not a man deeply interested in technology. It eludes me. I confess I don't even have a computer, I don't have a cell phone.”
“I had made an empirical discovery and it carried all the weight of a mathematical proof.”
“It's like a mathematical law, Grace.”
“Every historical moment needs the stories to be told about it.”
“All my novels are very much directly related to my inner life, even though I'm inventing characters, even though it's fiction, even though it's make-believe, it nevertheless is coming out of the deepest recesses of myself.”
“Reading was my escape and my comfort, my consolation, my stimulant of choice: reading for the pure pleasure of it, for the beautiful stillness that surrounds you when you hear an author's words reverberating in your head.”
“Novels are fictions and therefore they tell lies, but through those lies every novelist attempts to tell the truth about the world.”

Education: Did Paul Auster go to college?

High school:
  • Columbia Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
  • Columbia High School (New Jersey)
  • Harvard University
  • Columbia University
