What would you like to know about Mikey Tua?
Content overview
You can find much more stuff about Mikey Tua on this page!
Earnings: How does Mikey Tua make his money and how much he makes?
Mikey Tua's net worth over the years
Age: How old is Mikey Tua? Where was he born?
Mikey Tua's height and weight
What is his real/full name?
Is Mikey Tua married? Does he have a girlfriend?
Family: Does Mikey Tua have any brothers, sisters or kids?
Friends and associates
Mikey Tua's house photos
Which car Mikey Tua owns?
Mikey Tua's Merch
List of movies and TV shows with Mikey Tua
Mikey Tua's quotes
Education: Did Mikey Tua go to college?
Mikey Tua on social media
Trivia: Did you know these facts about Mikey Tua?
Mikey Tua's net worth over the years
Year | Net worth |
2022 | $3 million |
2021 | $2.5 million |
2020 | $1.7 million |
2019 | $1 million |
Age: How old is Mikey Tua? Where was he born?
Hometown: The Danielle Cohn's boyfriend was born in
Silverdale, Washington, USA, on
Jun 12, 2002.
Age: Mikey Tua is 19 years old now.
Sign of the Zodiac:
Mikey Tua's height and weight
Let's find out how tall
Mikey Tua is and how much he weighs.
- Height in cm and feet:
5 ft 5 in
- Weight in kg and lbs:
What is his real/full name?
Mikey Tua's real/full name is
Is Mikey Tua married? Does he have a girlfriend or wife?

Mikey Tua is in a relationship with Danielle Cohn, who is a Musical.ly/TikTok star, singer, model and actress.
Dani Cohn is two years younger than Mikey and they are together since 2018.
Mikey even saved Danielle's life after they got in a car accident in June 2018.
Family: Does Mikey Tua have any brothers, sisters or kids?

Parents: Mikey Tua's parents are Katie Tua and Delvin Tua.
Siblings: Mikey has a two years older brother whose name is Jojo Tua. Jojo is also an actor.
Friends and associates
Find out who are Mikey Tua's friends and associates:
- Danielle Cohn (girlfriend)
- Jojo Tua (brother)
- Hayden Summerall
- Landon Barker
- Caden Conrique
- Brad Sousa
- Tana Mongeau
- Neyo
- Greg Marks
- Steve Blum
- Phora
- Rush Holland
- Caden Conrique
- The Mars Twinz (Annie Mars and Kendall Mars)
- Abby Lee Miller
- Mark Singerman
Mikey Tua's house photos
Mikey Tua lives in Los Angeles, but photos of his house are not available to the public.
Which cars Mikey Tua owns?

Cars collection: Mikey Tua has a black Mercedes-Benz G-class SUV.
Mikey Tua's Merch
Mikey Tua doesn't sell his official merch yet.
As soon as he launches an online store we will update this article to let you know about it.
List of movies and TV shows with Mikey Tua
Here is the list of movies and TV shows with Mikey Tua!
- Coma (2018)
- Try to Smile (2019)
TV shows
- Melody Trice Special Events (2017-)
- Endless Of Summer (2019-)
Mikey Tua has no tattoos.
Mikey Tua's quotes
We handpicked Mikey Tua's best inspirational quotes for you:
Be the reason someone smiles today.
Allow yourself to be a beginner, no one starts off being perfect.
Don’t be so quick to judge me... You know my name but not who I am. You see what I allow you to see.
If your dating a dancer, raise your hand. If not, raise your standards.
Our love is a journey starting at forever, and ending at never.
What dance has taught me... Don't be afraid to be different, be afraid of being the same as…
Education: Did Mikey Tua go to college?
High School
- Mikey Tua was homeschooled.
Mikey Tua on social media
Here is the list of all Mikey Tua's social media accounts:
- Facebook profile: /
- Facebook page: /
- Instagram: 405,000+ followers
- YouTube: 151,000+ subscribers and over 6.8 million views!
- Twitch: /
- Google+: /
- Twitter: 5,000+ followers
- Snapchat: Mikey Tua doesn't have a Snapchat account.
- LinkedIN: 500+ connections
- TikTok: Mikey Tua's TikTok username is @mikeytua and he has 375,000+ fans
- Musical.ly: /
- Vine: /
Trivia: Did you know these facts about Mikey Tua?

- Jobs before the fame: Mikey Tua didn't have any regular jobs, as he became famous at a very young age.
- Famous for: Mikey Tua is famous for acting, dancing and modeling.
- Years active: Since 2015
- Nicknames: /
- Religious views / Religion: /
- Hobbies: /
- Eye color: Blue
- Hair color: Auburn
- Sexual orientation: Straight
- Plastic surgeries: Mikey Tua hasn't undergone any plastic surgeries.
- Phone number: Lots of people search for Mikey Tua's phone number on Google each month, but he never posted it on the Internet. If you find his phone number somewhere on the web, that will probably be a fake number.
- E-mail address: Mikey Tua's email address is [email protected]
- Favorite color: /
- Favorite number: /
- Favorite food: /
- Favorite celebrities: /
- Favorite musician: /
- Favorite bands: /
- Favorite superhero: /
- Favorite movie: /
- YouTube views: Mikey Tua's videos have over 6.8 million views on YouTube!
- Pets: Mikey Tua has a dog, a french buldog, whose name is Blue (bluetua). The dog was born on September 3, 2018.