What would you like to know about Jahira Dar?
Content overview
You can find much more stuff about Jahira Dar on this page!
Earnings: How does Jahira Dar make his money and how much he makes?
Jahira Dar's net worth over the years
Age: How old is Jahira Dar? Where was he born?
Jahira Dar's height and weight
What is his real/full name?
Is Jahira Dar married? Does he have a girlfriend?
Family: Does Jahira Dar have any brothers, sisters or kids?
Jahira Dar's house photos
Education: Did Jahira Dar go to college?
Jahira Dar on social media
Trivia: Did you know these facts about Jahira Dar?
Jahira Dar's net worth over the years
Year | Net worth |
2022 | $6 million |
2021 | $5.3 million |
2020 | $4.1 million |
2019 | $2.7 million |
2018 | $2 million |
Age: How old is Jahira Dar? Where was she born?
Hometown: The beautiful actress was born in
Dominican Republic, on
Feb 01, 1985.
Age: Jahira Dar is 36 years old now.
Dominican, American
Sign of the Zodiac:
Jahira Dar's height and weight
Let's find out how tall
Jahira Dar is and how much she weighs.
- Height in cm and feet:
5 ft 1 in
- Weight in kg and lbs:
What is her real/full name?
Jahira Dar's real/full name is
Is Jahira Dar married? Does she have a boyfriend or husband?

Jahira Dar is in a happy relationship with the TV star, Cesar Millan, since 2010.
Proposal and engagement ring
Cesar proposed Jahira in March 2016 by giving her a diamong ring after a romantic dinner in Athens, Greece.
The couple didn't announce the date of marriage yet.
Cesar describes Jahira as sweet, adventurous, honest and loving person and also tells that she is beautiful inside and out and that she loves dogs too.
Family: Does Jahira Dar have any brothers, sisters or kids?
Jahira Dar's family is from Dominican Republic, but info about her family is not available on the web.
We don't know if she has brothers or sisters.
Jahira Dar's house photos

Jahira Dar lives with her partner Cesar Millan in a beautiful house in San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles.
The couple bought the house for $2.8 million.
Jahira Dar has no tattoos.
Education: Did Jahira Dar go to college?
High School
Jahira Dar on social media
- Facebook: / fans
- Instagram: 60+ followers
- YouTube: / subscribers
- Google+: / followers
- Twitter: / followers
- Pinterest: / monthly viewers
- Snapchat username: Jahira Dar doesn't have a Snapchat account.
- LinkedIn: 13 connections
Trivia: Did you know these facts about Jahira Dar?

- Eye color: Dark brown
- Hair color: Dark brown
- Sexual orientation: Straight
- Phone number: Lots of people search for Jahira Dar's phone number on Google each month, but she never posted it on the Internet. If you find her phone number somewhere on the web, that will probably be a fake number.
- Favorite color: /