What would you like to know about Eiza González?
Content overview
You can find much more stuff about Eiza González on this page!
Earnings: How does Eiza González make his money and how much he makes?
Eiza González's net worth over the years
Age: How old is Eiza González? Where was he born?
Eiza González's height and weight
What is his real/full name?
Is Eiza González married? Does he have a girlfriend?
Family: Does Eiza González have any brothers, sisters or kids?
Friends and associates
Eiza González's house photos
Eiza González before and after the fame
Education: Did Eiza González go to college?
Eiza González on social media
Trivia: Did you know these facts about Eiza González?
Eiza González's net worth over the years
Year | Net worth |
2022 | $5.4 million |
2021 | $5 million |
2020 | $4.5 million |
Age: How old is Eiza González? Where was she born?
Hometown: The famous actress was born in
Mexico City, Mexico, on
Jan 30, 1990.
Age: Eiza González is 32 years old now.
Sign of the Zodiac:
Eiza González's height and weight
Let's find out how tall
Eiza González is and how much she weighs.
- Height in cm and feet:
5 ft 6 in
- Weight in kg and lbs:
What is her real/full name?
Eiza González's real/full name is
Eiza González
Is Eiza González married? Does she have a boyfriend or husband?
She dated her From Dusk Till Dawn co-star D.J. Cotrona from 2014 to 2016, after a romantic relationship with Pepe Diaz from 2011 to 2013.
Eiza González with Pepe Diaz
Eiza González with D.J. Cortona
Josh Duhamel was her boyfriend in 2018. In 2020, she dated Timothée Chalamet.
Eiza González with Josh
Eiza González with Timothée
Family: Does Eiza González have any brothers, sisters or kids?
Eiza González’s father is Carlos González.
Eiza González’s mother is Glenda Reyna.
Eiza González with her mother
Siblings: Eiza González has a brother named Yulen González Reyna.
Friends and associates
Find out who are Eiza González's friends and associates:
- Yahya Abdul-Mateen II
- Jake Gyllenhaal
- Michael Bay
Eiza González with his friends
- Ansel Elgort
- Lily James
- Jon Hamm
- Kevin Spacey
- Jon Bernthal
- Jamie Foxx
- Vin Diesel
- Sam Heughan
- Toby Kebbell
- Lamorne Morris
- Guy Pearce
- Jake Gyllenhaal
- Kayli Tran
- Devan Long
Eiza González's house photos
Eiza González currently lives in Los Angeles, California, United States.
Eiza González before and after the fame
Eiza González when she was litlle
Education: Did Eiza González go to college?
High school:- The American School Foundation, A.C.
- Centro de Educación ArtÃstica
- Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute
Eiza González on social media
You can find more information about Eiza González on
her Wikipedia page.
Trivia: Did you know these facts about Eiza González?
- Famous for: Acting and singing
- Years active: Since 2007
- Religious views / Religion: Roman Catholicism
- Eye color: Dark Brown
- Hair color: Her natural hair color is "Brunette," however she has also been seen with "Honey Blonde" hair.
- Sexual orientation: Straight
- Plastic surgeries: Eiza González hasn't undergone any plastic surgeries.
- Phone number: Lots of people search for Eiza González's phone number on Google each month, but she never posted it on the Internet. If you find her phone number somewhere on the web, that will probably be a fake number.
- Favorite color: Blue
- Favorite food: Mexican
- Favorite celebrities: Christoph Waltz
- Favorite movie: Alita: Battle Angel
- YouTube views: Eiza González's YouTube channel has over 60 million views.