Is Dan Lok a scam? (Poll)

Recently we wrote about Chinese-Canadian serial entrepreneur, Dan Lok, who became very popular on YouTube during 2018.
In our in-depth article about Dan Lok we answered on many questions that our readers had regarding Dan Lok’s career and private life, but we didn’t answer one of the questions that people Google the most about Dan Lok and that is “Is Dan Lok a scam?”.
We don’t really want to answer that question as we can’t be sure about it. We never bought any of his products and we don’t know exactly what he sells, for how much money and what are the promises that he gives to his customers.
He is definitely a very successful business person. Maybe he tries to look more rich and powerful than he really is, but does that make him a scammer?
We created this poll so our readers can give us their opinions about Dan Lok.
Below the poll there is a video in which Dan Lok talked about whether he is a scam or not and what is the biggest scam in the history of mankind!
Please vote below and leave us your opinions on Dan Lok in the comments section.