All That You Need To Know About Athetoid Cerebral Palsy Lawsuit
Athetoid Cerebral Palsy, also known as dyskinetic cerebral palsy, is brain damage that happens either before or during a child’s birth. It can even occur during the first 3-5 years of a child’s life, which can have a notable effect on your child’s growth and development. Athetoid cerebral palsy (ADCP) is a birth injury characterized by an unusual movement in the hands, arms, legs, and feet of a child.

What causes Athetoid Cerebral Palsy? – Causes of ADCP
A doctor’s negligence during childbirth can damage the brain’s basal ganglia and cause Athetoid CP. Basal ganglia play a crucial role in communicating messages to the body to help control movements. Damage in the basal ganglia results in involuntary, abnormal movements. This means kids with dyskinetic cerebral palsy will have trouble in controlling muscle movements.
Though dyskinetic CP is not such a common type of CP, it’s not as rare as mixed CP. If a child is having ADCP caused by medical negligence, you may sue the hospital or doctor liable. You can claim for compensation to cover your child’s lifelong care.
Some of the other reasons that cause Athetoid Cerebral Palsy are:
- Genetic disorders
- Infections during pregnancy
- Medical complications in the mom during pregnancy
- Injury during delivery
- Injury from an accident
- Stroke in the womb or after birth
- Baby shook in the womb
Not all these factors are necessary to cause ADCP. For some, it can because of medical negligence or any genetic disorders.
Symptoms of ADCP
The symptoms of dyskinetic cerebral palsy are followed by fluttering and jiggling movements. Some of the symptoms include:
- Abnormal posture
- Involuntary fast movements when the child is tired or stressed
- Difficulty in eating and drinking
- Difficulty in holding small objects
- Drooling due to lack of facial muscle control
- Slow and continuous wiggling movements
Diagnosing Athetoid Cerebral Palsy – How to treat ADCP
To make sure that your child has ADCP, the doctor has to evaluate the child’s development compared to his peers. He will also check how he/she moves and the ability to control the movements, how fast/slow the child responds and change in muscle tone.
To know which part of the brain is damaged, the doctor may order for an MRI, CT scan or an ultrasound accompanied with blood and urine tests. If the condition worsens, two more additional tests – Electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) may be conducted. Each kid having ADCP may be treated differently depending on the severity of the condition. Some of the standard treatment options include:
- Physiotherapy
- Speech therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Medications
- Braces and other orthotic devices
How to claim compensation for birth injury?
If a doctor’s negligence causes ADCP, you can seek a lawyer’s help from your state who will review your case at free of cost. If you have substantial shreds of evidence to prove it right, your attorney will present a payout on your behalf. In a birth injury like ADCP, the client can claim for the following costs involved:
- Medical care costs including surgeries and medications
- Therapy costs
- Present & future care costs
- Communication devices and movement equipment
- Expenses to make your home wheelchair accessible.
- Other expenses related to the child’s growth and development.
Final Verdict:
Though it’s quite hard for families to see their child having ADCP, proper treatment and continued care can bring their kids back to normal life. A good lawyer or a medical malpractice attorney can help you file a birth injury lawsuit. Maintaining a positive outlook will allow both parents and children to accept a life with ADCP.